June 2022

A reflection by the Rev'd John Vincent for the RAFA Service

Trinity 1 Good Shepherd. RAFA Service. 2022

Firstly, I want to than William for his graciousness as a former RAF chaplain for inviting me, a former Army Chaplain, or Pongo as we are affectionately called, to preach this morning at this Royal Air Force Association service!

I did serve however in a couple of tri service posts and of course on operations, we are all lumped in together, - the old joke of the Army digging in while the RAF check in, fortunately is not always the case and so I do have one or two blue credentials.

Each of...

A prayer for the Royal Air Force and the Royal Air Force Association

Almighty and eternal God, Lord and creator of all, who has brought us through adversity, hear us as we pray for all serving in the Royal Air Force today and all who have served in the past. We praise and thank You for all whose sacrifice and  service has attended the cause of peace and freedom in this nation and across this world. We also pray today for all members of the Royal Air Force Association and their work throughout the world. Amen.

Sunday 19th June 2022 Trinity I & Father's Day - a refection by Canon Dean Fostekew

With the 30th anniversary of my ordination to the diaconate and thus 29 years since my presiding fast approaching I have been pondering and reflecting upon what it means to be a minister of Word and Sacrament and if I’m truthful what it means to be a Christian. I haven’t come to any conclusions or received any divine revelations or found any definitive answers to my questions apart from the fact that I increasing believe that to be a Christian and a minister is something to do with love and hope. This morning’s readings also seem to imply this as...

A reflection for Trinity Sunday 12th June 2022 by the Rev'd Russell Duncan

How many times have we felt awkward, embarrassed or ignorant just because we have not understood what someone has said to us?  It may be that they have used a “big” word which we are not familiar with. Or  that they have asked a question that we really didn’t understand. Or that it didn’t actually make sense.

At work if I didn’t understand I would sometimes  say “I havn’t come across that question or situation.  Leave it with me. I will double check the law and come back to you”.  That was far more professional than just making a guess...

A reflection by Canon Dean Fostekew for Pentecost and the Platinum Jubilee 5th June 2022

Pentecost Sunday 2022 HM the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Come Holy Ghost, our souls inspire

and lighten with celestial fire.

Thou thee the anointing Spirit art,

who dost thy sevenfold fits impart.

Words from the ancient hymn we have just sung calling upon God to send the Holy Spirit, with all its gifts upon us. Ten years ago when I preached on the Diamond Jubilee, it fell on Trinity Sunday. Never an easy Sunday to preach on at any time but how to incorporate the Queen’s jubilee? My sermon on that day began:

“How on earth, I hear you say, can Dean...