December 2024

A Prayer for the New Year

Prayer for a New Year

As the dawn breaks on a new year, let us give thanks for all we hold dear: our health, our family and our friends. Let us release our grudges, our anger and our pains. Let us live each day in the most loving ways, the God-conscious way. Let us serve all who are in need, regardless of race, colour or creed. Let us keep God of our own understanding in our hearts and to chant God's name each day. Let us lead the world from darkness to light, from falsehood to truth and from wrong...

A reflection for Christmas I Sunday 29th December 2024 by the Rev'd Russell Duncan

Jesus said to them “Why were you searching for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49)

Four days ago we celebrated the Nativity of Our Lord. The birth of the baby Jesus, to Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem. This Sunday our gospel reading moves us quickly on to when Jesus is visiting Jerusalem with his parents for the Feast of the Passover. We are not told anything about the intervening years. That is left to our imagination.  We are however specifically told that Jesus is now twelve years old. This is extremely...

A reflection for Advent IV Sunday 22nd December 2024 by the Rev'd David Warnes

“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my saviour…”

You can get over-familiar with sacred texts. They can become like unrestored old master paintings, covered in a dark brown layer of varnish – beautiful in a safe, decorous way; familiar, unchallenging. I’d like to remove a bit of the varnish this morning, by focusing on that word “rejoices”. It is the usual translation of a Greek word which is a whole lot stronger and gutsier than “rejoices” might suggest. This is not restrained, dignified rejoicing – this is the letting out of a yell of joy...

A reflection for Advent III Sunday 15th December 2024 by Canon Dean Fostekew

The readings throughout Advent focus our thoughts on Jesus’ first advent, the advent that we are living through today and his final advent that we pray for. All of today’s readings encourage us to rejoice, be happy and prepare for the joy we will find in Jesus Christ. Henri Nouwen, a 20th century theologian tells us that there is a difference between happiness and joy.

Happiness is dependent on external conditions, things that make us feel good. Joy is, however, the experience of knowing that we are unconditionally loved and that nothing, absolutely nothing can ever take that love of...

A though for Advent II Sunday 8th December 2024 by Canon Dean Fostekew

Malachi, the last of the prophets to appear in the Old Testament tells us this morning, that:

“The Lord will send his messenger, who will prepare his way before him.”

St.Luke, recounts the ministry of the last Old Testament prophet; John-the-Baptist and how he urged the Israelites to repentance and preparation in order to meet the Christ, face to face.

How well were these prophets of old heard? 

How well do we hear their voices, today? 

Luke’s quote from Isaiah, in relation to the Baptist, remains very true:

“ … like a voice crying in the wilderness.”

I don’t know...