Covid19 Information
Please see the Diocesan and Provincial websites (google Diocese of Edinburgh or Scottish Episcopal Church) for information on the measures the Church is taking in relation to the Corona Virus.
Scottish Episcopal Church, Murrayfield, Edinburgh
Please see the Diocesan and Provincial websites (google Diocese of Edinburgh or Scottish Episcopal Church) for information on the measures the Church is taking in relation to the Corona Virus.
Following advice sent down from the College of Bishops, the sharing of the chalice (the common cup) is suspended until further notice. The physical sharing of the peace is also suspended. Both these measures are an attempt to protect each other and to put minds at ease. Those who wish are still able to make their Holy Communion by receiving the bread.
ASH WEDNESDAY falls on the 26th February and thus we begin Lent.
Lent is a season of preparation before Easter and an opportunity for all of us to pause a reflect upon our lives. In Lent we are encouraged to remember the things we haven't quite got right and to say 'sorry' to God for them, in the knowledge that God will forgive us. None of us are perfect and none of us get it right all the time but we have a God that loves us and who will always give us that additional chance to get it right the next time.
Lent has often been a time when we have been encouraged to give some thing up and to give that time or money to a good cause. We can also take something up, such as reading the Bible or a good spiritual book or simply giving a bit of extra time to prayer. It is a good discipline and it helps one appreciate Easter when it finally dawns.
How are you going to get through Lent? What might you do differently? Good questions to ponder on though Lent.
On Sunday 19th January members of the three congregations in Murrayfield will come together to celebrate the Eucharist and to pray for greater unity amongst Christians. We are to gather at 1030am at the Church of the Good Shepherd and our service will incorporate elements of the Scottish Episcopal Church's Eucharistic liturgy and worship provided by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland.
This is one of four Sundays in the year when the three congregations in Murrayfield choose to join together to praise God and to pray for the needs of the world. Throughout the year we collectively work together supporting the Murrayfield Club, Christian Aid, Fresh Start and Ecudare (a self-help charity in Kenya); we study together on an almost weekly basis and enjoy social and fellowship events as well. We seek to learn from each other and to appreciate each others Christian heritage.
Come along and join us, you will find a warm welcome if you do.
Wishing you all the blessings of the Christ Child for a very Happy Christmas.
Christmas Eve
5pm Crib Service with the journey to Bethlehem too see Mary & Jesus
1130pm Watch Night Service with our friends at Saughtonhall URC (Saughtonhall Drive)
Christmas Day
10am Sung Festal Eucharist of the Shepherds