
Joint Worship this Sunday

This coming Sunday the 29th September sees the three congregations in Murrayfield join together for worship at Michaelmas. This year we will be celebrating some of the work we do together in Murrayfield and have done over the last 35 years of working ecumenically. The service will be at 1030am in the Parish Church. Come and join us.

Climate Change March

church members with a banner
A crowd of marchers
A banner which reads 'The Church of the Good Shepherd'

On Friday 20th September 8 members of the congregation took part in the youth led climate crisis march in Edinburgh. Some friends from Christian Climate Action marched with us as well. 

It was great to be part of the 15-20 thousand strong crowd in the city and to know that we were marching with millions world wide. 

Autumn events coming up

The season of Autumn has begun and already the leaves are beginning to turn and drop from the trees. Gardeners have begun planting Spring bulbs and tidying back the dead bits from Summer displays and the days are shortening. From here on in, we know that daylight will become a premium until the Winter solstice in December, just before Christmas, when we can begin to look forward to the longer days of Spring and Summer. The year is moving on.

Nature may be getting ready for Winter but life in Murrayfield continues with a renewed vigour following the Summer break. The Faith Discussion Group is meeting every Monday, plans are being made for joint worship later this month and new members are welcomed into the Murrayfield Club. Worship continues every Sunday and Wednesday with special services for Harvest coming up very soon. There is a lot to give thanks for in this season of Creation-tide and Harvest.  

Sunday 29th September 'Michaelmas' will see the three congregations in Murrayfield Churches Together joining for worship at 1030am in the Parish Church, when we will celebrate and give thanks for the activities we do together.

Sunday 6th October will see the Good Shepherd give thanks for the Harvest and all good things that God gives to us. On that day all foodstuffs given and a retiring collection will be given to our local food bank. 

Come and join us.

A city in Festival

August seems to be galloping away; the last full week of the Festival has started and there is just a hint of Autumn in the air. The Summer is on its way out and many school children are either back at school already or will be later this week and thus memories of holidays and time off and festival events are already slipping into the past. 

The past is only ever something that we can look back on and remember, we cannot change it; we just have to accept it as it is and live in the present with an eye to the future. For it is the present and the future we can change. I always think the dawn of Autumn after the Summer break is like the start of the new year, an opportunity to let go of things we no longer need to carry around and an opportunity to try new things; be that a course of study, a gym routine or simply making time to catch up with good friends and loved ones.

At this time of the year just before we begin 'new' things it is good to take a moment to stop and ponder on the present, the future and the past. To see where one has come from, where one is and where one wants to go. It is also an opportunity to put all of this to God in prayer and to ask for wisdom in discerning the way forward. Until the end of the month the Garden of Contemplation at the Good Shepherd is still up. Why not come and wander the path and take a moment of two to ponder some of the sayings or prayers as you begin to discern where it is that you need to be going in the next few months. 


The Festival

With August almost upon us, look out for our own engagement with the Festival when the Garden of Contemplation returns to the Good Shepherd. Lose yourself for a while as you wander the garden and ponder on the quotes and prayers scattered amongst the plants. Give thanks for God's creation and pray for the future of our planet. the Garden will open 24/7 from Thursday 1st August and will remain open until the end of the month.